I am the lady behind Promote Commotion.
I have been posting events and businesses for close to 9 years.
I rarely say anything of a personal message other than highly recommending one of the events or great businesses I post about.
A little background on how Promote Commotion started.
I have always created fundraisers for many causes. From my children's school activities as part of Booster Clubs to raising funds for the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life for many years.Working with organizations to help out who I could. Carilion Children's was the recipient of several fundraiser events I held along with The Aware Foundation. Most were for either a kids organization or cancer.
When my company closed down in VA and my job was no longer, I took it as a sign that it may have happened for a reason. My partner had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer in 2005. She was given 6 months to live. She fought and survived that time but it was not easy. Still so many issues from lungs not working and makes it very hard. She was struggling and I took it as I now had time to spend with just her. Get quality time for whatever time she had left.
I of course had to not feel helpless so once again, formed a team and had events for my Relay for Life team in honor of her and so many more.
As I was going around getting donations for this event for raffles, I met many small business owners who donated freely and I had to make sure others knew just how great they were. I started posting on my personal page and realized maybe I should start a page just for that. It grew and grew to where people offered to pay me to continue posting about their business or event daily.
Fast Forward..a few more years...her cancer had then gone to her brain. She was one of the lucky ones who had the cyber-knife treatment and survived that too.
Unlike the mass in her chest and lungs, they got it out of her brain.
Now to present time....Breast Cancer~~
This tumor was removed but her numbers are not good at all. Her recurrence rate is extremely high as well. Treatment has started. This time the side effects are awful because of all the prior radiation and chemo drugs in the past. Her body is tired. She is tired.
A strong woman who has fought hard and keeps fighting is trying to make it through this next 6 months of horrible days and nights.
She is on Disability due to her disease and I try to make what I can through Promote Commotion. (I only charge $50 a month so you do the math) Budgeting is hard enough, but add the chemo pills, the meds to help with side effects and the wonderful CBD oil is all very very expensive.
I had planned to try to sell some items, or do a yard sale but then was warned that due to the immunity factor I shouldn't risk meeting folks who may not think about a cold or cough but could cause her major problems. My daughter n law offered to list and meet people to help me. These items are listed below.

Now to get to the point of this open letter about our personal life.
A very kind and good friend Laura Allie started a gofund me page for my family.
By the time she had told me about it, there were a few donations. I was thankful, but still did not like it nor did my partner as we always figure it out, always find a way and we are the ones who have always been there to help others, not get help. This is not easy on us!
Some have sent messages asking if it was legit and will we receive the donations. I felt the need to confirm this so they know that this young lady did indeed want to help us out. She has always been here to help us in some way or another. I am not mad at her, and we are both touched she wanted to do something to help and that she did this.
This is not a request for you to donate to this cause. This is not me begging for help. This is more for people to know when you see it that it was done from the heart and not by us. IT WAS DONE OUT OF LOVE! SO...to end this.
Thanks to all who follow Promote Commotion on all our sites. my blogs, on twitter, instagram, and every site I post these small and local business owners as well as the events I do for the followers to know what is happening.
Thanks for sticking by us, thanks for supporting small businesses and local events and please if you see the gofund me site....don't think bad of the person who started it. Please just understand when you feel helpless you will do just about anything to make a difference.
PS~~ To those who donated....THANK YOU!
Thank you Laura for caring!
Items posted for sale for us by Carrie Trout
Thank you Carrie for all the help!!
to message her about any items.
Thank you Carrie for all the help!!
to message her about any items.
Roanoke, VA
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